about my blog
this is my blog where i just post and talk about things i like or whatever. some art in there too, blah blah blah... i'm new at this so i may be a bit of an amateur at this stuff but i enjoyed doing it!
about me
if you couldn't tell already, my name is jade! i'm just a silly girl that likes retro games and art and i aspire to be a voice actor! i'll probably be posting my art in the art section of my blog, so check it frequently!i hope you have fun on my site!
people to thank
neocities: if you couldn't tell enough by typing/looking at the url, this site is hosted by neocities! cool site if i do say so myself!zonelets: template used on this blog! super fun and easy to use
sludgexp: super cool and chill dude that helped me out a lot! check his blog out (it's way better than mine hehe...)
shogn: just another cool and chill guy, makes great art, this is his twitter but he's probs on other stuff too! check him out!
toasty: super awesome girl who is working on her website here! genuinely one of the best people i've met, please check her out!! (even though her site is still a wip afaik)