game collection (plus nintendo powers)

updated every month, new entries are marked with apostraphes, these marks will be removed in the next update
last update: february 2025

  1. bubble bobble
  2. castlevania ii: simon's quest*
  3. deja vu
  4. double dragon ii: the revenge
  5. dr. mario
  6. duck hunt
  7. kung fu
  8. mike tyson's punch out
  9. ninja gaiden
  10. ninja gaiden 2
  11. rygar
  12. shadowgate
  13. startropics
  14. tecmo super bowl
  15. tetris
  16. wizards and warriors*
  17. zoda's revenge startropics ii
  1. final fantasy iii
  2. mario bros.
  3. super mario bros.
  4. super mario usa

  1. actraiser
  2. chrono trigger
  3. donkey kong country
  4. donkey kong country 2: diddy's kong quest
  5. donkey kong country 3: dixie kong's double trouble
  6. earthbound
  7. f-zero
  8. final fantasy ii
  9. final fantasy iii
  10. gradius iii
  11. illusion of gaia
  12. killer instinct
  13. legend of zelda: link to the past
  14. mega man x
  15. out of this world
  16. secret of mana
  17. simcity
  18. star fox
  19. super ghouls and ghosts
  20. super mario kart
  21. super mario rpg
  22. super mario world
  23. super metroid
  24. yoshi's island
  25. zombies ate my neighbors

    -nintendo 64
  1. excitebike 64
  2. goldeneye 007
  3. legend of zelda: ocarina of time
  4. mortal kombat trilogy
  5. paper mario
  6. perfect dark
  7. pilotwings 64
  8. star fox 64
  9. super mario 64
  10. wave race 64

  1. 007: everything or nothing
  2. f-zero gx
  3. mario party 7
  4. metroid prime
  5. soulcalibur ii
  6. star wars rogue squadron ii
  7. super mario sunshine
  8. super monkey ball 2
  9. super smash bros. melee
  10. wave race: blue storm

  1. legend of zelda: twilight princess
  2. lego indiana jones: the original adventures
  3. lego star wars: the complete saga
  4. mario kart wii
  5. mario party 9
  6. metroid prime 3: corruption
  7. monster hunter tri
  8. new super mario bros. wii
  9. no more heroes
  10. rayman origins
  11. sonic colors
  12. super mario galaxy
  13. super paper mario
  14. super smash bros. brawl
  15. warioware: smooth moves
  16. wii fit
  17. wii play
  18. wii sports
  19. wii sports resort
  20. xenoblade chronicles

  1. animal crossing: new horizons
  2. another code recollection
  3. great ace attorney chronicles
  4. hades
  5. legend of zelda: breath of the wild
  6. mario kart 8 deluxe
  7. paper mario: the origami king
  8. pikmin 4
  9. pokemon legends arceus
  10. prince of persia: the lost crown
  11. super mario bros. wonder
  12. super mario odyssey
  13. super smash bros. ultimate

    -master system
  1. outrun
  2. space harrier

  1. 6-pak
  2. bonanza bros.
  3. castlevania: bloodlines
  4. columns
  5. dynamite headdy
  6. phantasy star iv
  7. shining force
  8. sonic & knuckles
  9. sonic the hedgehog 2
  10. sonic the hedgehog 3

  1. daytona usa

  1. chuchu rocket
  2. crazy taxi
  3. phantasy star online
  4. quake iii arena
  5. resident evil code: veronica
  6. sega bass fishing
  7. sega gt
  8. shenmue
  9. sonic adventure
  10. soulcalibur
  11. virtua tennis

  1. breath of fire iv
  2. crash bandicoot
  3. crash bandicoot 2
  4. crash bandicoot warped
  5. final fantasy ix
  6. final fantasy vii
  7. final fantasy viii
  8. gran turismo
  9. gran turismo 2
  10. medal of honor
  11. metal gear solid
  12. namco museum vol. 1
  13. namco museum vol. 3
  14. resident evil 2
  15. ridge racer
  16. street fighter alpha 3
  17. twisted metal 2
  18. williams arcade's greatest hits
  19. wipeout xl

    -playstation 2
  1. devil may cry
  2. dragon quest vii
  3. final fantasy x
  4. final fantasy xii
  5. gran turismo 3
  6. grand theft auto iii
  7. grand theft auto san andreas
  8. grand theft auto vice city
  9. guitar hero
  10. guitar hero ii
  11. jak and daxter the precursor legacy
  12. katamari damacy
  13. kingdom hearts
  14. kingdom hearts ii
  15. metal gear solid 3: subsistence
  16. okami
  17. parappa the rapper 2
  18. ratchet and clank
  19. resident evil 4
  20. shadow of the colossus
  21. tony hawk's pro skater 3

    -playstation 3
  1. god of war collection
  2. god of war iii
  3. infamous
  4. journey collector's edition
  5. littlebigplanet 2
  6. uncharted 2 among thieves

  1. advent rising
  2. crimson skies
  3. max payne
  4. max payne 2
  5. prince of persia: sands of time
  6. psychonauts
  7. sega gt 2002/jet set radio future
  8. splinter cell
  9. splinter cell chaos theory
  10. splinter cell pandora tomorrow
  11. star wars knight of the old republic

    -xbox 360
  1. alan wake
  2. assassin's creed ii
  3. assassin's creed brotherhood
  4. batman arkham asylum
  5. batman arkham city
  6. bioshock
  7. bioshock infinite
  8. call of duty 4
  9. dark souls
  10. dishonored
  11. elder scrolls iv: oblivion
  12. elder scrolls v: skyrim
  13. fallout new vegas
  14. forza motorsport 3
  15. gears of war
  16. gears of war 2
  17. grand theft auto iv
  18. grand theft auto v
  19. grand theft auto: episodes from liberty city
  20. minecraft: xbox 360 edition
  21. orange box
  22. portal 2
  23. red dead redemption
  24. xcom enemy unknown
    live arcade
  1. alan wake's american nightmare
  2. bastion
  3. braid
  4. child of light
  5. dust: an elysian tail
  6. fez
  7. geometry wars: retro advanced
  8. guardian heroes
  9. hexic hd
  10. mark of the ninja
  11. monkey island 2 special edition
  12. portal still alive
  13. peggle
  14. radiant silvergun
  15. sam and max beyond time and space
  16. sam and max save the world
  17. secret of monkey island: special edition
  18. shadow complex
  19. super meat boy
  20. wolf among us

    -atari 2600
  1. adventure
  2. basketball
  3. berzerk
  4. combat
  5. enduro
  6. jungle hunt
  7. missile command
  8. pac-man
  9. pitfall!
  10. space invaders
  11. warlords

  1. f-1 race
  2. final fantasy adventure
  3. game & watch gallery
  4. gargoyle's quest
  5. kirby's dream land 2
  6. pokemon blue
  7. qix
  8. super mario land
  9. super mario land 2: 6 golden coins
  10. tamagotchi
  11. tetris
  12. wario land: super mario land 3

    -gameboy color
  1. legend of zelda: link's awakening dx
  2. warlocked

    -gameboy advance
  1. advance wars
  2. final fantasy i & ii: dawn of souls
  3. fire emblem
  4. kingdom hearts: chain of memories
  5. mario & luigi: superstar saga
  6. mario kart: super circuit
  7. mario tennis: power tour
  8. metroid fusion
  9. metroid zero mission
  10. warioware, inc.: mega microgame$!
  11. warioware twisted

    -nintendo ds
  1. 100 classic books
  2. 999: nine hours, nine persons, nine doors
  3. animal crossing wild world
  4. apollo justice: ace attorney
  5. art academy
  6. brain age
  7. castlevania: dawn of sorrow
  8. clubhouse games
  9. contact
  10. dark spire
  11. elite beat agents
  12. etrian odyssey
  13. final fantasy iii
  14. ghost trick: phantom detective
  15. grand theft auto: chinatown wars
  16. hotel dusk: room 215
  17. kingdom hearts: 358/2 days
  18. kirby super star ultra
  19. korg ds-10 synthesizer plus
  20. legend of zelda: phantom hourglass
  21. mario and luigi: bowser's inside story
  22. mario and luigi: partners in time
  23. mario hoops: 3 on 3
  24. mario kart ds
  25. mario party ds
  26. meteos
  27. metroid prime: hunters
  28. new super mario bros.
  29. ninja gaiden: dragon sword
  30. nintendogs: dalmatian & friends
  31. personal trainer: cooking
  32. phoenix wright: ace attorney
  33. phoenix wright: ace attorney - justice for all
  34. phoenix wright: ace attorney - trials and tribulations
  35. picross 3d
  36. plants vs. zombies
  37. pokemon platinum
  38. professor layton and the curious village
  39. professor layton and the diabolical box
  40. professor layton and the last specter
  41. professor layton and the unwound future
  42. puyo pop fever
  43. radiant historia
  44. rhythm heaven
  45. super mario 64 ds
  46. tetris ds
  47. warioware diy
  48. world ends with you
  49. yoshi's island ds

  1. crisis core: final fantasy vii
  2. final fantasy
  3. grand theft auto: vice city stories
  4. half-minute hero
  5. littlebigplanet
  6. lumines
  7. metal gear solid: peace walker
  8. metal slug anthology
  9. monster hunter freedom unite
  10. patapon
  11. star ocean: first departure>
  12. wipeout pure

  1. baldur's gate
  2. baldur's gate ii
  3. beyond good and evil
  4. civilization ii
  5. civilization iii
  6. civilization iv
  7. chessmaster 10th edition
  8. deus ex
  9. doom collector's edition
  10. elder scrolls iii: morrowind
  11. fable: the lost chapters
  12. fallout
  13. far cry
  14. grim fandango
  15. homeworld
  16. medal of honor allied assault
  17. microsoft flight simulator 2004
  18. myst trilogy
  19. myst v: end of ages
  20. neverhood
  21. neverwinter nights
  22. quake
  23. rome total war
  24. simcity 4
  25. sims
  26. thief: the dark project
  27. unreal tournament 2004

    -steam (list not definitive, just what i play the most/have an active interest in. will shift a lot but i'll iron it out soon)
  1. ace combat 7: skies unknown
  2. antonblast
  3. aseprite
  4. balatro
  5. binding of isaac rebirth
  6. dead cells
  7. disco elysium: the final cut
  8. doom 2016
  9. elden ring
  10. enter the gungeon
  11. faith*
  12. firewatch
  13. ftl: faster than light
  14. garry's mod
  15. guilty gear -strive-
  16. helldivers 2*
  17. hi-fi rush*
  18. hollow knight
  19. hotline miami
  20. hotline miami 2: wrong number
  21. left 4 dead 2
  22. lethal company*
  23. mass effect: legendary edition
  24. n++*
  25. oneshot
  26. ori and the blind forest: definitive editon
  27. outer wilds
  28. papers, please
  29. pizza tower
  30. rain world
  31. risk of rain 2
  32. rpg maker 2003
  33. shovel knight treasure trove
  34. sid meier's civilzation vi
  35. slay the princess
  36. slay the spire*
  37. sonic mania
  38. spelunky 2
  39. spore
  40. stardew valley
  41. terraria
  42. ultrakill*
  43. undertale*
  44. vampire survivors*
  45. webfishing*
  46. west of loathing
  47. witness
  48. xcom 2
  49. yakuza 0

    -nintendo powers
  1. vol. 9: tetris (nov. 1989)
  2. vol. 21: startropics (feb. 1991)
  3. vol. 23: power blade (apr. 1991)
  4. vol. 42: super star wars (nov. 1992)
  5. vol. 49: battletoads/double dragon (jun. 1993)
  6. vol. 50: legend of zelda: link's awakening (jul. 1993)
  7. vol. 63: stunt race fx (aug. 1994)
  8. vol. 71: stargate (apr. 1995)
  9. vol. 212: warioware: smooth moves (feb. 2007)
  10. vol. 218: soulcalibur legends (aug. 2007)
  11. vol. 224: ninja gaiden: dragon sword (jan. 2008)